June 28, 2024
#2952: Routine Maintenance explain

[The nozzle of a gas duster can is pointing into a hole on the Earth’s surface in the Pacific Ocean around where Hawaii is located. This point is on the left side of the depicted Earth, so north America is centered on the drawing, with the top of South America visible beneath it. Greenland and Iceland and the most eastern part of Russia is the only other land visible. The trigger on the can is pressed as an arrow indicates and lines around the nozzle indicates that air is pushed out of the can. This results in dust clouds being released from at least five spots of the Earth, three of these are on the visible side of Earth and the volcanoes that erupts are visible, one only the top of the volcano can be seen and the last only the cloud can be seen. Other volcanoes could be erupting on the other side of the Earth without there being any visible clouds from this vantage point. The visible eruptions are in the Aleutian Islands or Kamchatka Peninsula, on Iceland and in the Andes. The one where the volcano can be seen is in Asia, most likely Japan, and the other where only the cloud can be seen is most likely in Europe, perhaps near the Mediterranean ocean. The can has a label with several lines of text, most of it unreadable. But there is a large label on it and a readable text below this:]
Compressed air
[Caption below the panel:]
I know routine maintenance is important, but I hate how we all have to take shelter for 48 hours every year while they flush out the Earth’s magma system for cleaning.