February 5, 2024
#2890: Relationship Advice explain

[White Hat, Cueball and Ponytail are walking. White Hat has his palm out.]
White Hat: What you have to remember is, relationships aren’t easy.
Ponytail: Yeah, fair.
[Close-up of White Hat with his finger raised.]
White Hat: They’re hard. They require constant work.
White Hat: A relationship is a job.
Off-panel voice: I guess…
[White Hat has stopped walking and is facing Cueball and Ponytail standing a bit further away.]
White Hat: It’s a challenge that feels overwhelming. It’s a crushing burden.
Cueball: Umm.
[White Hat has his arms raised while still facing Cueball and Ponytail.]
White Hat: A relationship is a grueling ordeal.
Cueball: …Who are you trying to convince, exactly?
Ponytail: Yeah, are you okay?
White Hat: I’m fine! This is normal!