February 28, 2024
#2900: Call My Cell explain

[Black Hat walks in from the right approaching Cueball. Black Hat has his finger raised.]
Black Hat: Hey, can you call my cell?
[Cueball has taken his phone up and is pressing the screen, presumably dialing Black Hat’s number. Black Hat looks down at his back pocket, which is ringing. He reaches for the pocket, which has his phone in it.]
Black Hat: Oh, one sec.
[Cueball, still holding his phone, looks at Black Hat. Black Hat has turned his back to Cueball and is looking at his phone which he is holding in both hands. Above his head is both his one line of speech but also a separate jagged speech bubble indicating what is written on his phone screen.]
Black Hat: Ugh, it’s this guy.
Phone: Send to voicemail
[Cueball, holding his phone down, watches Black Hat walk away from him, already partly outside the right frame of the panel.]