January 3, 2024
#2876: Range Safety explain

[A rocket is on a launchpad with a tower next to it as seen from far away. There are two birds flying to the right of them and one bird flying to the left of them. To the left of the launchpad there is a very small building. Much farther to the right there are two smaller buildings, and a voice is emanating from the largest and right most building which also has two antennas on top. The scene is shown in black silhouette on a white background.]
Voice: There are reports of thunderstorms in the downrange area.
[Same scene, except there are now only two visible birds, both flying on the left side of the rocket.]
Voice: The Range Safety Officer has ordered a launch hold.
[Almost same scene, but panned to the right so the smallest building to the left is not shown and a third building to the right of the other two buildings can be seen. Birds are now flying with one on either side of the rocket. Two voices are now emanating from the middle building.]
Voice: But the Range Danger Officer wants to launch the rocket toward the biggest thunderstorm.
Voice 2: Okay, why do we even have that position?