January 15, 2024
#2881: Bug Thread explain

[Part of a discussion thread in progress on an online forum is shown. Each comment has the writer’s avatar to the left of the text and small illegible text immediately above the text. Part of the first comment’s text is cut off at the top.]
Commenter #1: Same issue here.
Commenter #2: I’m having this problem too. None of the posted fixes work.
Commenter #3: Same.
Commenter #4: +1. So frustrating.
Commenter #5: I’m still having this. Did you all ever figure out a fix?
Commenter #6: Same problem as everyone. I tried the steps in the posts here, here, and here. Nothing.
Commenter #7: Add me to the list.
Commenter #8: Same. Ugh. Can’t believe this thread is 5 years old now.
Commenter #9: Where does everyone live? Do we want to get a beach house for a weekend or something?
[Caption below the image:]
At some point, you just have to give up on fixing the bug and embrace the fact that you have dozens of new friends.