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July 28, 2023

#2808: Daytime Firefly explain

Daytime Firefly

[Cueball is pointing at a flying insect to the right. Megan is walking towards it.]

Cueball: There’s a bug in here.

Megan: Oh, it’s a firefly!

Cueball: Wait, really?

Megan: Yeah! I dunno which species. I’ll let it out.

[Cueball is standing to the left. Megan has caught the firefly between her hands.]

Cueball: …I guess it makes sense fireflies have to go somewhere during the day.

Cueball: I had just never thought about it.

[Megan is walking to the left while holding the firefly. Cueball is standing to the right.]

Cueball: It’s like seeing your teacher at the store.

Cueball: “Oh, weird, you exist in other contexts, too.”

[Megan standing on a grass field has released the firefly.]

Megan: Or when you see your teacher hovering over a field at night giving off flashes of light.

Cueball (off-panel): Yeah, also weird.

Cueball (off-panel): “Sorry Mr. Jones! Uh, have…fun? See you Monday.”