July 19, 2023
#2804: Marshmallow explain

[A space capsule beginning reentry into Earth’s atmosphere is shown. There are four versions of this as it moves deeper and deeper into the atmosphere, but shown in a single panel.]
[The first version is shown to the left with just a bit air resistance shown with thin dotted lines around and behind it. The capsule looks pretty standard with the broad bottom with the heat shield pointing forwards, and the capsule above it narrowing in a pyramid shape. There are a circular shapes (windows?) and some other lines indicating either doors or access panels. The one special feature is on the left, a stick is held back along the edge of the capsule from a extrusion near the bottom of the capsule. At the top of the stick a white square is located. From inside the capsule one of the unseen astronauts is speaking, possibly with ground control. All speech texts are located in rectangular frames with jagged arrows pointing towards the capsule.]
Astronaut voice: We’re approaching atmospheric entry.
Astronaut voice: All systems nominal.
[In the second version air resistance has increased a lot, with many more and thicker lines indicating the air resistance. At this point the arm with the white square turns on its pivot so it is now sticking straight out from the capsule far outside the heat shield below. Two lines indicate the circular movement and the release of the stick makes a loud noise:]
[In the third version air resistance continues to increase, but now also the stick and particular the white square at the end begins to heat up, smoke coming of from the white square. Two small lines on either side of the top of the capsule indicates it is shaking.]
[In the forth version the air resistance is about the same, but there are now six larger lines at the top of the capsule, two on either side and two above indicating more violent shaking of the capsule. The white square on the stick seems to be burning.]
Astronaut voice: Houston, we’re experiencing some oscillations. Vehicle is becoming difficult to control.
Astronaut voice: Smith, retract that stupid arm.
Astronaut Smith’s voice: No! It’s not ready yet!
[Caption below the panel:]
In retrospect, the reentry marshmallow toasting module was a mistake.