June 9, 2023
#2787: Iceberg explain
![90% of the iceberg is hidden beneath the water, but that 90% only uses 10% of its brain, so it's really only 9%. Iceberg](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/iceberg_2x.png)
[Ponytail is standing on a rostrum and pointing to a chart with a stick. The chart depicts a cross section of an iceberg in water, so most of it is underwater, depicted as light gray in dark gray water, but a little is above the surface, depicted in white. There are labels above and below the drawing with two small arrows pointings from above and below to the two segments of the iceberg. An off panel voice speaks from a starburst at the right edge of the panel.]
Off panel voice: But then how did it interact with the ordinary baryonic matter in the Titanic’s hull?
Upper Label: Normal Matter
Lower Label: Dark Matter
[Caption below the panel:]
My Hobby:
Refusing to understand the iceberg metaphor