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June 5, 2023

#2785: Marble Run explain

Marble Run

[Megan is walking towards Cueball and showing her phone. Cueball holds a hand to his face and looks away.]

Megan: Check out this cool video of a Rube Goldberg marble run.

Cueball: No! Not yet.

[Megan has lowered her phone. Cueball has his hand in a fist.]

Cueball: I’ve always known I’m doomed to eventually become one of those people who builds elaborate marble runs in their garage.

Cueball: I can feel the pull.

Cueball: So satisfying.

[Close-up on Cueball.]

Cueball: I just want to do as many other things as I can before I give in and disappear into that world.

[Megan and Cueball are walking.]

Megan: So you know where you’re going to end up, but you’re trying to take a really interesting and circuitous path to get there.

Cueball: Exactly. Bounce around, maybe go off a few jumps.