June 26, 2023
#2794: Alphabet Notes explain

[A list of the letters of the alphabet, from A to Z, in black]
[A red line above the letters, with tick marks and their associated vowels at A, E, I, O, and U. Y has a question mark instead of a tick.]
Love the spacing between the vowels!
[Red annotations near various letters.]
A: Strong start!
BCD, FG: Decent consonants but no real heavy hitters here in the first third (“D” is solid, at least)
HI: Hi!
IJ: [additional lowercase “ij” given, in red]: The dotted letters are friends!
JK: Jk (lol)
LMNOP: Part that’s fun to sing
Weird how the line between “M” and “N” is the halfway mark.
They’re similar, but “MN” only shows up in fancy words like “mnemonic”, “column”, “amnesty”, and “hymn”. Significance??
NO: No
Q: Why is this here?
RST: Strong cluster!
U: Weirdest of the main 5 vowels by far
VWXYZ: Haunted letters (keep out!!)
VW: ??
X: Not sure this is even a letter. Did you include a number by mistake?
YZ: …Listen.
Maybe we should’ve stopped at “T”.
[Caption below the panel:]
Design notes on the alphabet