May 3, 2023
#2771: College Knowledge explain

[Jill, Ponytail and Cueball are jumping rope while singing a common playground song. Jill and Cueball are swinging the ends of the rope, Ponytail is jumping in the middle facing Cueball on the right. The rope is going so fast around her that it is drawn with four thin gray lines, one over and one below her and two in between, so they form a kind of 3D ellipsoid shape around her. Small lines indicate the movement of the rope and the hands that hold it.]
Jill: Girls go to college to get more knowledge
Jill: Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider
[Same scene but Ponytail is at a different moment in her jumping.]
Cueball: Girls go to Ceres to get more theories
Cueball: Boys go to Mars to get more jars
[Same scene but Ponytail is at a different moment in her jumping.]
Ponytail: Girls go to Eris to get more ferrous
Ponytail: Boys go to Triton to get more chitin
[The three have stopped playing so the rope is hanging from the hands of Jill and Cueball, running along the ground beneath Ponytail’s feet. She is now just standing but has turned towards Jill.]
Jill: Girls go to…Mercury…to…meet Tim Berners-Lee
Jill: Boys go to… …Betelgeuse…to get more… …pamplemousse
Cueball: I think we’re done.