May 22, 2023
#2779: Exoplanet High-5 explain

[A diagram of messages transmitted between the Earth and Proxima Centauri b is shown. An image of the Earth is on the left and Proxima Centauri b on the right at the top, and below each is a vertical timeline. The message transmissions are shown as arrows pointing from one side to the other, between labeled dots on both timelines, and in the middle of them are five distinct depictions of Cueball interacting with an alien. The final Proxima Centauri b action is shown as a labeled asterisk on its timeline.]
* t=0.0y - “Up high” message sent
Proxima Centauri b:
* t=4.25y - Message received - discussion -
* t=4.27y - High-5 reply sent
* t=8.52y - Reply received
* t=8.53y - “Down low” message sent
Proxima Centauri b:
* t=12.77y - Message received - discussion -
* t=12.79y - Low-5 reply sent
* t=16.94y - “Too slow” message sent
* t=17.03y - Reply received
Proxima Centauri b:
* t=21.19y - Message received
* t=21.26y - Invasion fleet launched
[Caption below the panel:]
21 years and 3 months after I taught the aliens about high-5s, the war began.