May 17, 2023
#2777: Noise Filter explain

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[A representation of web-page or app-screen contents. Except where mentioned otherwise, all lines and fills are in muted half-tones.]
[At the top, a search bar with the standard magnifying glass symbol and a word entered into the text field:] Restaurants
[Below that, a horizontal rule as a section header, with a titular label centered over it:] Filters
[Subsection title:] Hours
[Three buttons, horizontally:]
[Button:] Any
[Button, selected, drawn in light blue and infilled with lighter blue:] Open now
[Button:] Open at…
[Subsection title:] Rating
[Five buttons, horizontally, four with explicit star-rating ranges:]
[Button, selected, in blue:] Any
[Button:] ☆3+
[Button:] ☆3.5+
[Button:] ☆4+
[Button:] ☆4.5+
[The following subsection, alone, is entirely circled in a drawn red circle, with an additional red arrow pointing to it, and is all in the unmuted tones.]
[Subsection title:]
Current Noise Level
[A horizontal slider-bar, with six marked and labeled positions along its length.]
[Mark:] 60dB
[Mark:] 70dB
[Mark:] 80dB
[Mark:] 90dB
[Mark:] 100dB
[Mark:] Any
[The bar’s ‘slider’ control is positioned between the two central marks, at approximately 85 dB.]
[The slider itself is drawn in blue, and the bar is shaded blue in the section between its far left and the slider element to show the range of selections.]
[Subsection title:] Price
[Four buttons, with multiple-selection, horizontally:]
[Button, selected, in blue:] $
[Button, selected, in blue:] $$
[Button:] $$$
[Button:] $$$$
[Caption below the panel:]
This feature should automatically appear when you reach age 30.