May 1, 2023
#2770: Tapetum Lucidum explain

[The comic is in four panels. In the first panel, we are watching a simple 2D video game, with triangular rocketships flying around a simple maze, firing green missiles at each other while trying to avoid being hit. The missiles are bouncing off the maze walls. One of the ships is faring much better than the other, and a voice is emanating from it.]
First rocketship: Cats have a shiny layer behind their retina called the tapetum lucidum.
Missile sounds: Pew pew pew
[In the second panel, the second rocketship continues to struggle, while the first maintains its advantage.]
First rocketship: After light passes through the retina, this layer reflects it back through a second time.
Missile sounds: Pew pew
[In the third panel, the first rocketship wins the game. One of its missiles has ricocheted off the maze walls and slammed into the second rocketship, destroying it.]
First rocketship: This extra bounce gives photons another chance to interact with the retinal cells…
Second rocketship, exploding: BOOM!
[In the fourth panel, we see one of the players of the video game sitting at his computer. As the caption makes clear, this is Bill Nye. He finishes his thought.]
Bill Nye: …Improving their night vision! Isn’t science cool?
Caption: There’s something extra infuriating about losing online games to Bill Nye.