April 10, 2023
#2761: 1-to-1 Scale explain

[A frame with a central area of black ‘space’, bounded at various intersecting angles by eight ‘straight lines’ representing planetary surfaces, originating from various out-of-frame angles of ‘down’ and the white of some bodies obscuring some part of the others.]
[There are labels indicating which line represents each planet.]
[The four gas-giants’ lines are simply drawn, near straight and featureless.]
[The lines for the rocky inner-planets have variations to them, stereotypical of some part of their surface.]
[The “Earth” line (‘down’ being out the top of the frame) has a profile indicating various small-scale vegetation and also features the white silhouette of an ant that may be of a realistic size for your display.]
[Caption below the panel:]
The solar system’s planets at 1:1 scale