December 29, 2023
#2874: Iceland explain

[Cueball is standing in front of a board and pointing to it with a stick. In front of him is a long table with White Hat, Blondie, another Cueball and Megan sitting on the long side of the table (the same side, the one away from the reader) with Hairbun sitting at the end of the table furthest from Cueball. All are sitting on office chairs and looking at Cueball. On the board there are two figures and some unreadable text. The top figure is an skewed ellipse with some dots inside. There is a label text beneath it. The next large figure depicts an island with a rift going down its middle. The rift extends on either side of the island. There is a label above it. Beneath this there is a box with four lines of unreadable text and above it a heading. Cueball’s stick points to the island.]
Cueball: Okay, we’ll make it an island on a mid-ocean ridge to satisfy the mantle people and the oceanographers.
Cueball-like man: But what about my glaciers?
Cueball: We can just pile them on the volcanoes.
Hairbun: Don’t forget that it has to be near a pole - I was promised aurora!
[Caption below the comic:]
Iceland was designed by a committee of planetary scientists that was trying to satisfy everyone.