November 22, 2023
#2858: Thanksgiving Arguments explain

[Cueball is sitting on an office chair at his desk typing on his stationary computer as Megan walks up behind him. The text he writes is shown above the screen with a zigzag line going from a starburst on the screen.]
Text: How to win political arguments with your awful relatives at Thanksgiving dinner
[Closeup of Megan in a frame-less panel. Below Megan there is a footnote relating to the asterisk at the end of her sentence.]
Megan: You know, despite all the posts about it, surveys show most families don’t actually argue about politics at Thanksgiving.*
Footnote: *
[Zoom back on to Cueball and Megan. Cueball has turned around in his chair, hands on his lap, looking up at Megan.]
Megan: Take your relatives. Their political opinions are basically fine.
Megan: Maybe you should write about what they argue about?
[Closeup of Cueball typing on his computer. The text he writes is again shown above the screen with a zigzag line going from a starburst on the screen. Megan speaks to him from off-panel, her speech line coming from a starburst at the right edge of the panel.]
Text: How to win arguments about The Rise of Skywalker at your Thanksgiving dinner
Megan (off-panel): Aunt Katie does bring that up a lot, doesn’t she.
Cueball: This’ll be year four.