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October 4, 2023

#2837: Odyssey explain


[Ponytail, Cueball and Hairy are standing in a room, each wearing a party hat. Ponytail is to the left of Cueball and Hairy. Cueball is in the middle, holding something, presumably a present.]

Ponytail: Happy birthday!

Cueball: Oh cool, Emily Wilson’s Iliad translation!

[Cueball is now alone, sitting at a laptop. He has taken his party hat off and put it onto a book on his desk.]

Cueball: I never read her Odyssey. I should order that, too.

[Arising from computer screen:]

The Odyssey (2017)

Emily Wilson

Arrives Friday


[Cueball clicks order]

[The computer now says the book has left the warehouse and will arrive on Friday by 8pm.]

Package Tracking

Order Status:



Expected: Friday by 8pm

[Cueball clicks refresh]

[The computer now says the book has been swept by winds to the island of lotus eaters and might arrive around 2033.]

Package Tracking

Swept by winds

to the island of

the lotus eaters

Expected: ?? 2033 ??

[Cueball clicks refresh]