January 9, 2023
#2722: Etymonline explain

[A picture of a dictionary definition that is askew in the frame to imply that it is printed or written on physical paper rather than a digital resource.]
etymonline (n) et・y・mon・line /,ɛt.əmɒn’lain/ The history and derivation of a word. Altered form of English etymology, from Old French ethimologie, from Latin etymologia. Quotation: “Before it came to refer to Jupiter’s sky-cities, the term ‘blimp’ was used for 20th century Earth airships, but its etymonline before that is unknown.” –Jovian Blimps: A History (2384)
[Caption below comic:]
Ironically, the popularity of Etymonline eventually caused the loss of the word “etymology” from English.