January 4, 2023
#2720: Biology vs Robotics explain

[Cueball is walking to the left with a robot following behind him. It is a bit shorter than Cueball and is made out of three rectangles, one almost a square representing the head with a part representing where it can see the surroundings and a small antenna on the back. This is connected with a thin neck to a large rectangle representing the torso. This torso has three smaller rectangles, one on the front and one on the back, and a larger one on the side. The latter could represent some sort of arm. Below this is a thin rectangle with, probably, eight small wheels, four are visible. Motion lines indicate that the robot is rolling after Cueball. Cueball is holding both arms up with his palms up, while walking and talking to the robot:]
Cueball: Ugh, biology is the worst. Bodies have all these random problems.
[Same setting but with Cueball walking with his arms down. A scatter burst, from the top front of the robot’s “head”, indicates that it speaks to Cueball:]
Robot: Is it true that if someone makes a hole in you, it just closes up on its own?
[Same setting but in a wider panel. The scatter burst, indicating that the robot is speaking, now comes from the top rear end of the robot’s “head”.]
Cueball: Only sometimes. And it’s not exactly fun.
Robot: Noted. I’ll try to avoid perforating your surface.
Cueball: Thanks! It’s kind of a pet peeve.