January 23, 2023
#2728: Lane Change Highway explain

[In a white panel a black road starts at the bottom left and curves gently towards the right until the middle of the panel, where it begins curving slightly to the left ending in the top right corner. The road has space for four lanes divided by lane markers, but the markers does not follow the direction of the road but goes more from left to right than the road, even though they do follow the general curve of the road, but never the actual direction of the road. This results in all these lanes to end near the right edge of the road. Every time the lane gets too near the edge the lane lines stop and on the end of the lane there is a curving arrow pointing left. Below the arrows the word “Merge” is written. This happens seven times on this small patch of highway. At the bottom and top there are the lane marker lines entering and exiting, so there are always four lanes. After the three starting at the bottom, seven new ones begin, the last just below the top, where the final merge arrow also is, stopping the last of the right lines from exiting at the top.]
[Caption below the panel:]
I got fired from my traffic engineering job for building a highway where you could only travel by lane changes.