September 23, 2022
#2676: Historical Dates explain

[Blondie is lecturing, pointing at a futuristic holographic display emanating upwards from a unit on the floor. It shows a presentation that features a timeline with two visible dates, 1899 and 1970. At the top of the hologram are two lines of text, above “1899” are three lines of text, above “1970” is one line of text, below “1899” are two lines of text, and below “1970” is one line of text; all of these lines of text are illegible.]
Blondie: Historical records show millions of business transactions occurred on Dec 30th, 1899.
Blondie: This economic activity sparked the digital age, culminating in a “data festival” on Jan 1st, 1970, when many early digital files were created.
[Caption under the panel:]
It’s going to be weird when historians forget why some dates show up a lot.