August 5, 2022
#2655: Asking Scientists Questions explain

[There is a light gray caption written above two normal text captions that are above two panels:]
For the last few years, I’ve been working on answering peoples’ ridiculous questions for What If? 2, which sometimes meant asking scientists for help.
[Caption above the left panel:]
How you’d expect scientists to respond to ridiculous questions:
[Cueball, representing Randall, stands holding a pad and pencil in front of a desk. There are a stack of three books and some papers on the desk. Hairbun is sitting on an office chair behind the desk. She is pointing at Cueball.]
Hairbun: Why would you present me with this frivolous scenario?
Hairbun: Such an absurd query can serve no practical purpose.
Hairbun: Now go; you distract me from my formulas.
[Caption above the right panel:]
How they actually respond:
[Same setting as in the left panel but the items on the desk have changed, so there are now a laptop computer and a stack with a book and some papers on the desk. Hairbun is sitting on an office chair behind the desk. She is holding another stack of papers up in both hands.]
Hairbun: Oh thank God, something fun to think about that’s not grant applications.
Hairbun: Hey, do you want to fill out some grant applications? I’ll give you literally anything. Coauthor credit. Powerful magnets. Do you want plutonium? I can get you plutonium.
Hairbun: What was your name again?
[Light gray caption below the panels:]
To see the answers I found, preorder at (out 9/13)