August 31, 2022
#2666: Universe Price Tiers explain

[A table with three columns, labeled “Universe Lite™”, “Universe Standard®”, and “Universe Pro®™”. Each row is labeled with a property of the universe.]
Universe Lite™, Universe Standard®, Universe Pro®™
Price: Free, $14.95/month, $49.95/month
Ads: Yes, Yes, No
Number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin: 4,
64, 4096
Free will or determinism: Determinism, Free will, Free
Cosmic speed limit: 65 mph, 300,000 km/s, Unlimited
If a tree falls in a forest and there’s no one there to
hear…: No sound, Simple beep, Full sound
Meaning of Life: Unknowable, Uncertain, Clearly
Sound of one hand clapping: [None], [None], Kazzap!
Aging and death: Mandatory, Mandatory, Opt-in
Does god play dice with the universe?: Yes, and he
cheats, Yes, No
Bad things…: Happen to good people only, Happen to
good and bad people, Don’t happen
What happens to those who sow the wind: Reap the
whirlwind, Reap the whirlwind, Lots of crops everywhere