August 26, 2022
#2664: Cloud Swirls explain

[Cueball and Megan standing on a field, looking out at a landscape of clouds]
Cueball: It’s weird to think there are countless planets with air and stuff but no life.
Cueball: Billions of years of clouds making cool shapes with no one to look at them.
[Just Cueball and Megan standing next to each other]
Megan: Yeah, it seems like a waste. The universe getting the complex fluid dynamics right for every momentary swirl of cloud.
Megan: Just a huge amount of work.
[Cueball and Megan walk away to the right]
Cueball: Maybe atmospheres have smooth laminar flow until someone looks closely.
Megan: Or maybe the universe just likes making swirly clouds, and is annoyed that we’re watching.