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August 17, 2022

#2660: Gen Z explain

Gen Z

[Six individuals in clothing representing early 1900s’ American fashion stand in a line. Four of them have speaking roles, from left to right, and two stand in silence, contributing to the feeling of a conversation amongst a crowd gathered around the first speaker]

Speaker 1 (white brim hat): Now, it may sound strange, but it’s how Gen Z is doing things!

Speaker 2 (wavy hair, dress with belt): Gosh! Is that really true??

Speaker 3 (dark hat with indent): Ridiculous. It just goes to show what I’ve been saying about them.

Speaker 4 (hair in bun, dress with lace hem): Now now, maybe we just need to change with the times.

[Caption below comic:]

People ascribing qualities to “Gen Z” have the same energy as small-town salespeople in 1905 talking about what the ladies in Paris are up to.