August 15, 2022
#2659: Unreliable Connection explain

[There are twelve switches under an automated Galton board or pachinko machine, eleven of which are linked to a large item marked “on” but the ninth of which is linked to one marked “off”, apparently controlling the operation of a modem connected to a gigabit data-cable and also connected onwards to a WiFi router. There is a supply of balls in a hopper above the board, with the triangular configuration of pins directing the balls chaotically to one or other of the switches, as shown by a single released ball and a motion path partially showing how it had rebounded from around half-way down until after hitting and rebounding away off a bottom-layer “on” switch.]
[Caption below the panel]:
My new vacation spot has very fast internet that turns off randomly every now and then, just so you can tell people you’ll be staying somewhere without a reliable connection.