August 1, 2022
#2653: Omnitaur explain

[A creature, the Omnitaur, is shown. It is a four legged animal divided into 11 segments, each segment is from a different animal. An arrow goes from a label to each section; most of the labels are above the animal, but four labels are below the animal. The animal has a fish tail and cat-like hind legs. The torso is divided into four segments, the first and last of these with scales, but only the last of these also with sharp scales at the top. The second torso segment is white and smooth, the third also white but with hair both above and below, those above merges with the sharp scales of the fourth torso segment. The front legs are horse-like, the lower neck is from an animal with dark spots, the upper neck has ram’s horns, which goes over in the central part of a human head, with ears and hair (drawn like a real human, not like an xkcd stick figure) and finally the front of the face is a bird with its eyes and a beak shown. The labels are given here in the order of the segment of the animal from the back to the front (disregarding whether the label is written above or below the animal). The label “Shark” is below the animal’s torso, the label “Horse” is below its front left leg, and the labels “Leopard” and “Ram” are below its neck.]
[Caption below the panel:]
The Omnitaur