July 15, 2022
#2646: Minkowski Space explain

[A spaceship is being pursued by another spaceship of similar size but distinctly different design. Both ships have a black part in the front representing a window. The pursued spaceship to the right has two nacelles below and a big engine behind. The pursuing spaceship to the left has a V-shaped rear end, and what seems like two weapons on either side pointing forward. At least two persons inside the pursued spaceship are talking to each other, and their text comes out from two starburst on top and bottom of the spaceship.]
Voice 1: The enemy ship is right behind us!
Voice 2: Prepare to jump to Minkowski space on my mark.
[Same setting, with star burst above only. The sound coming from the pursued spaceship is written inside a burst of small lines below the spaceship. Voice 2, by context, is the same as in panel 1.]
Voice 2: Three… two… one… mark!
[Both spaceship are tilted upwards and becomes distorted so they become longer and thinner.]
[The tilting increases and the distortion is now so pronounced that the spaceships are almost unrecognizable, almost just lines with structure. The distance between the tip of the pursuing spaceship and the pursued becomes shorter in the last two panels, but the distance between their center parts becomes larger. Up to three distinct voices are shown, here, which may include those seen in Panel 1 but with no clear relation.]
Voice 3: Are they still getting closer?
Voice 4: I can’t tell.
Voice 5: I think it depends on your frame of reference.