June 20, 2022
#2635: Superintelligent AIs explain

[Cueball and Megan are standing and looking up and away from each other. Right above them and slightly above them to the left and right there are three small white lumps floating in the air, representing three superintelligent AIs. There are small rounded lines emanating from each lump, larger close to the lumps and shorter further out. Three to four sets of lines around each lump, forming part of a circle. From the top of each there are four straight lines indicating voices that comes from each if the lumps. The central lump above them seems to speak first, then the left and then the right:]
Central AI: What you don’t understand is that Turing intended his test as an illustration of the…
Left AI: But suppose the AI in the the box told the human that…
Right AI: In my scenario, the runaway trolley has three tracks…
[Caption below the panel:]
In retrospect, given that the superintelligent AIs were all created by AI researchers, what happened shouldn’t have been a surprise.