February 25, 2022
#2586: Greek Letters explain

[A list with 21 explanations of different Greek letters. To the left, the letter (in one case two letters) are shown, and then the explanation is written to the right in one or two lines (and in one case on three lines). Above these explanations, there is a header in a slightly larger font:]
What Greek letters mean in equations
π This math is either very simple or impossible.
Δ Something has changed.
δ Something has changed and it’s a mathematician’s fault.
θ Circles!
ϕ O R B S
ϵ Not important, don’t worry about it.
υ,ν Is that a v or a u? Or…oh no, it’s one of those.
μ This math is cool but it’s not about anything that you will ever see or touch, so whatever.
Σ Thank you for purchasing Addition Pro®!
Π …and the Multiplication® expansion pack!
ζ This math will only lead to more math.
β There are just too many coefficients.
α Oh boy, now this is math about something real. This is math that could kill someone.
Ω Oooh, some mathematician thinks their function is cool and important.
ω A lot of work went into these equations and you are going to die here among them.
σ Some poor soul is trying to apply this math to real life and it’s not working.
ξ Either this is terrifying mathematics or there was a hair on the scanned page.
γ Zoom pew pew pew [space noises] zoooom!
ρ Unfortunately, the test vehicle suffered an unexpected wing separation event.
Ξ Greetings! We hope to learn a great deal by exchanging knowledge with your Earth mathematicians.
ψ You have entered the domain of King Triton, ruler of the waves.