February 14, 2022
#2581: Health Stats explain

[Cueball is looking down and to the right at his bent arm, where a small device is radiating as shown with several small lines. Above him the message from the device is shown in a frame, which is divided in two by a line. The top part has one line of text, with a x at the end for closing the message. And below in the second half are two lines of text. Cueball is speaking to someone off-panel, who replies from a starburst at the panel’s edge.]
Box title bar: New health stat!
Box: Left hand blood volume: 21.83 mL
Cueball: Oh. Cool. Not sure how to interpret that, but good to know, I guess.
Off-panel voice: I guess!
[Same setting but Cueball has turned to the left, still looking at his device on his bend arm. The message on the device is now only showing the message part, so it is no longer divided into two parts.]
Box: Left hand blood volume: 21.81 mL
Cueball: Huh, it’s going down. I guess that happens.
Off-panel voice: Mhm.
[In a frame-less panel, Cueball now has both arms bent with his hands close together in front of him. He has once again turned toward the right, and is still looking at the device.]
Box: Left hand blood volume: 21.86 mL
Cueball: Oh weird, now it’s going up higher than before.
Off-panel voice: Maybe you shouldn’t look at-
[Cueball now holds his arm with the device outstretched towards the right, with his other arm bent in front of him a finger raised.]
Box: Left hand blood volume: 22.09 mL
Cueball: It’s going way up! Is my hand exploding?!
Cueball: And now my pulse is rising! Aaaaa!!!!
Off-panel voice: So sorry. We will treasure your memory.