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November 9, 2022

#2696: Precision vs Accuracy explain

Precision vs Accuracy

[The comic shows a table with 3 rows and 3 columns. Each row and column has a label, and then nine statements are given for the 3x3 grid.]

{| class=“wikitable”


| || Highaccuracy || Mediumaccuracy || Lowaccuracy


| Highprecision

|Barack Obama was president for 70,128 hours||Barack Obama weighs as much as 17.082 cats||Barack Obama is 70.128 feet tall


| Mediumprecision

|Most cats have 4 legs||Barack Obama is 6'1"||Barack Obama has 4 legs


| Lowprecision

|Most cats have legs||Barack Obama has fewer legs than your cat||Barack Obama’s cat has hundreds of legs
