October 5, 2022
#2681: Archimedes Principle explain

[Megan is leaning over a large bucket standing on the floor. She is resting one hand on the bucket and holding a crown in other other hand, which she has pulled partially up over the top of the water filled bucket. The water is now splashing over the edge of the bucket and dripping from the still partially immersed crown. Behind her back, with his back toward hers, Archimedes sits on a chair at a desk. He is depicted as a balding man with a white beard, and he is writing on a piece of paper, while a stack of papers lies in front of him.]
Megan: Uh, Archimedes, why is there a bucket of water with a gold crown hidden in the bottom?
Archimedes: It’s mostly silver. Replica of the King’s crown. He’s coming here later, and I have a plan.
[Caption beneath the panel:]
Archimedes invents the heist.