January 26, 2022
#2573: Alien Mission explain

[Two ‘classic’ Flying Saucer spacecraft are hovering in the sky with speech-lines indicating communication from someone within each saucer. The rightmost is tilted a bit, like it is being attentive to the left.]
Left Saucer: Sir, can we talk?
Left Saucer: We’ve been observing earth for almost a century.
[Same setting but both saucers are level.]
Left Saucer: Hovering and zooming from place to place, trying to avoid being spotted by humans.
Right Saucer: Yeah.
[In a Frameless panel only the left saucer is shown. The right saucer’s voice emerges from an edge-of-panel starburst.]
Left Saucer: By now we’ve flown over every inch of the surface many times.
Right Saucer (off-panel): Yes? And?
[Same setting as in the first panel, with the right one tilted towards the left saucer.]
Left Saucer: Face it: If Bigfoot is real, he’s not anywhere on this planet.
Right Saucer: But humans have captured some intriguing videos!
Left Saucer: *sigh*
Right Saucer: How else do you explain the…