September 3, 2021
#2511: Recreate the Conditions explain

[Megan is standing, pointing a stick at a poster of a particle collision, (as it looks when measured in a particle collider), where many other particles emerge from the central collision, a black spot, with many thin curved lines going away from it, and two larger beams going straight in. Above the upper part of these lines there are three lines of unreadable text, three unreadable labels are written over three of the lines, and there are two unreadable lines of text at the bottom one at each side of the poster.]
Megan: Our lab was trying to recreate the conditions that occurred seconds after the Big Bang.
[Megan is standing with arms lifted to each side, stick in hand, looking straight out, in an otherwise empty panel.]
Megan: But it turns out they were extremely hot and unpleasant.
[Megan points at another poster with the stick. The poster shows a picture of a beach, with the sun over the ocean, a palm tree bending in over a parasol stuck in the sand. At the front there is a small table with two drinks on it.]
Megan: So now we’re trying to recreate the conditions that occurred on this tropical beach in early 2014.
Megan: Honestly don’t know why we were doing that other thing.