September 13, 2021
#2515: Vaccine Research explain

[White Hat is talking to Cueball.]
White Hat: I’ve been hearing about vaccines.
White Hat: But I decided to do my own research.
[In a frame-less panel White Hat continues to talk to Cueball.]
White Hat: So I spent months on the Internet reading hundreds of studies.
[Close up of White Hat as he speaks to Cueball, who replies from off-panel.]
White Hat: And wow, I gotta say,
White Hat: these vaccines are pretty good.
Cueball (off-panel): Oh, really.
[Zoomed back out, to White Hat and Cueball talking.]
White Hat: Yeah, seems like it’d be great if lots of people got them.
White Hat: Is anyone working on that?
Cueball: There’s been some effort.
White Hat: Okay, cool.