July 7, 2021
#2486: Board Game Party Schedule explain

[Caption above:]
Board Game Party Schedule
[A timeline is shown, from about 6PM at the top to about 11PM at the bottom. Events are displayed as white rectangles, labeled as follows:]
before 6PM: people filter in
6:00–6:25: small talk
6:25–6:55: debate which game to play
6:55: remember that you need to order food
6:55–7:15: debate where to order from
7:15: pick a place, order
7:15–7:40: pick a game and start setting up
7:40–8:20: explain rules to new people
8:20: food arrives
8:20–9:00: eat food
9:00–9:27: resume setting up
9:27–9:52: more explanation
9:52–10:13: restless faction tries to start simpler game
10:13–10:38: general debate
10:38–10:57: “It will make sense once you play”
10:57–11:10: finish setting up
after 11:10 PM: people head home