July 19, 2021
#2491: Immune Factory explain

[Cueball walks in from the left, hand held up in front of him, to where Hairy is sitting in an armchair facing away, sick from a second vaccination. Hairy is wrapped in a blanket and holding a steaming mug, and his hair is messy.]
Cueball: I guess the first shot made your body build defenses, and now it’s ramping up production.
Hairy: So I’ve become an antibody factory.
[Cueball has walked around the chair and is now facing Hairy, whose mug continues to steam just as much.]
Hairy: I don’t feel great. I think my factory has some OSHA violations.
Hairy: My lymphatic system is protesting brutal working conditions.
[In a frame-less panel, Cueball continues to stand in front of Hairy, whose mug is steaming less.]
Hairy: Update: my immune cells have unionized.
Cueball: Common side effect. Helps maintain a healthy balance.
[Cueball has raised a finger into the air, while Hairy is pointing in Cueball’s direction. Hairy’s mug is no longer steaming.]
Cueball: Immune system unions are actually why we stopped doing variolation.
Hairy: Oh? Why?
Cueball: They don’t like scabs.
Hairy: Ugh. Leave.