April 19, 2021
#2452: Aviation Firsts explain
![Mile High Club membership [✓] [ ] Discovery of parts of Amelia Earhart's skeleton [ ] [ ] Mid-flight incident that results in safe landing on the Hudson River [✓] [ ] Aviation Firsts](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/aviation_firsts.png)
[A chart is shown with nine items. To the right of each item there are two check boxes. Above the top row of check boxes are two underlined labels for the two columns. The first four rows have both boxes checked, and the last five have only the first box checked. The last two items are so long that they take up three and four rows of text. The first seven items are written on one line each.]
<u>Earth</u> <u>Mars</u>
Flight <big>[✓]</big> <big>[✓]</big>
Landing <big>[✓]</big> <big>[✓]</big>
Controlled landing <big>[✓]</big> <big>[✓]</big>
Controlled powered flight <big>[✓]</big> <big>[✓]</big>
Loop <big>[✓]</big> <big>[ ]</big>
In-flight meal <big>[✓]</big> <big>[ ]</big>
Planetary circumnavigation <big>[✓]</big> <big>[ ]</big>
Enormous wooden aircraft
built by a reclusive billionaire [✓] [ ]
that flies exactly once
Hijacking by someone dubbed
"D.B. Cooper" who demands <big>[✓]</big> <big>[ ]</big>
money and then jumps out
mid-flight to an unknown fate