November 8, 2021
#2539: Flinch explain

[Cueball holds a bowling ball in both hands. It is attached to a string that goes behind him and up disappearing off panel around double his height. He is talking to Megan, Hairy, and Ponytail who is looking at him. Between Cueball and the other three is a cross in a dotted circle on the floor.]
Cueball: If you stand with the bowling ball in front of your face and let go, will you flinch when it swings back?
[Zoom in on Megan in a slim panel. There is a caption in a frame above her.]
Caption: Physicist
Megan: I won’t flinch.
Megan: I trust conservation of energy.
[Zoom in on Hairy, in a wide panel. He has lifted arm holding his hand palm up toward Cueball (who is off-panel). There is a caption in a frame above him.]
Caption: Biologist
Hairy: I trust my flinch reflex, which was honed by millions of years of evolution to protect my delicate face. I’m not messing with it.
[Zoom in on Ponytail in a slim panel. There is a caption in a frame above her.]
Caption: Engineer
Ponytail: I don’t trust that you hung that thing up correctly.