October 6, 2021
#2525: Air Travel Packing List explain

[A lists of 20 items is given in two columns with 10 items in each. Each item is preceded by a checkbox. Most items only take up one line, but in the left column two items take up two and in the right one item take up three, so they take up the same space. Above is a large heading, with an explanation beneath it.]
Air Travel Packing List
If you haven’t flown in a while, you might not remember what you need to bring. Use this handy checklist to pack!
[Left column:]
☐ Seat cushion
☐ Parachute
☐ Wing glue
☐ Air horn
☐ Sextant
☐ Nose plugs and goggles for pressure
☐ Airplane shoes
☐ Navigation crystal
☐ Spare batteries in case the plane runs out
☐ Birdseed
[Right column:]
☐ Homing beacon
☐ Meteorite antidote
☐ USB wing connector
☐ Emergency siren
☐ Spare flaps
☐ Mouthpiece (Pandemic restriction; airlines still provide the trumpet)
☐ Luggage ballast
☐ Flag (International flights)
☐ Decoy tickets
☐ Keys to the plane