October 27, 2021
#2534: Retractable Rocket explain

[Beret Guy and Megan is talking. Behind them near the horizon is a tall rocket on a launchpad.]
Beret Guy: We’re testing our new retractable rocket.
Megan: You mean reusable?
Beret Guy: No.
[A zoom in on the launchpad and rocket. It has the appearance of having a long first stage, a second stage with slightly wider fairing and an Apollo-style capsule with escape-tower atop it all. There is a directionless speech-bubble at the top depicting a count down voice.]
Count down: Three…Two…One…Liftoff!
[Same view as before, but while the base of the rocket-stack remains stationary, the first stage is apparently elongated, with a hint of a bend to the right, to raise the total height to which the upper-stage and capsule assembly reaches almost to the top of the panel.]
[In a wider panel, with the base to the left, the first stage is now elongated far enough to disappear off the top of the center of the frame, thus clearly bending to the right. Two peoples voices are indicated as coming from the space capsule far above, as it reaches it destination.]
Voice 1: Hi, welcome to the ISS!
Voice 2: Hello!
[The final panel shows the same view as in the third panel. The first stage is now retracting, and has similar length as in the third panel, but the capsule is no longer atop the ‘second stage’ fairing. Four movement lines above the top of the retracting rocket indicates that it is returning back to the original position.]