October 15, 2021
#2529: Unsolved Math Problems explain

The Three Types Of Unsolved Math Problem
[First box:] Weirdly Abstract
[Ponytail stands in front of an equation.]
Is the Euler Field Manifold Hypergroup Isomorphic to a Gödel-Klein Meta-Algebreic ε<0 Quasimonoid Conjection under Sondheim Calculus?
Or is the question ill-formed?
⬙ℝ̇ℤ/Eℵ₅ [The Z is raised and underneath it is a double-ended arrow bent at a right angle. One points toward the R the other toward the Z. The ₅ is double-struck (𝟝) like the R and Z.]
Second: Weirdly Concrete
[Cueball stands in front of a grid with 6 columns and 7 rows]
If I walk randomly on a grid, never visiting any square twice, placing a marble every N steps, on average how many marbles will be in the longest line after N*K steps?
Somehow the answer is important in like three unrelated fields.
[The path starts in the 3rd row and 3rd column, a small circle indicates the start. It takes the path: North, East, North, East (a black dot representing the 1st marble is placed here, so N=4), South, East, South, South (2nd marble), West, South, West, North (3rd marble), West, South, South, South (4th Marble), West, North, West, West (this goes offgrid to the West. There is no visible line or marble outside the grid). The 1st, 3rd, and 4th marbles are colinear and there is a dotted line connecting them. The line’s slope is 3.]
Third: Cursed
[A Megan with unkempt hair stands next to a curve]
What in God’s name is going on with this curve?
Is it even math?
[The curve starts at the bottom of the screen, rises straight upward, begins to wobble left and right a little. It lists to the left and the left-right motion increases, then decreases. It begins a large counter-clockwise arc, spiraling inwards twice, then ends]