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October 1, 2021

#2523: Endangered explain


[Ponytail stands facing Cueball and Megan in front of a poster board.]

[Ponytail is pointing a stick to the board reading “Current List” with bullet points beneath.]

[The first bullet reads Influenza B/Yamagata.]

[Four further bullet points follow, which are left indistinct.]

Ponytail: Influenza’s genetic diversity has declined during the pandemic, and the B/Yamagata lineage is at risk of extinction.

Ponytail: Which would be such a shame.

Megan: Yeah, I’m sooooooo worried about it.

Cueball: We’d be just heartbroken!

[Caption below the panel]:

When a pathogen that scientists really don’t like is close to disappearing, it gets added to the sarcastic endangered species list.