January 6, 2021
#2408: Egg Strategies explain

[3x3 grid of egg cartons, each containing between 5-8 eggs in an arrangement matching a description of lawful/neutral/chaotic paired with good/neutral/evil. Each egg carton is depicted from a top-down view, with the lid open and the eggs and their places visible.]
Top Left - Lawful Good
[6 eggs centered
3 in the top row, shifted to the right
3 in the bottom row, shifted to the left]
Top Center - Neutral Good
[7 eggs
4 in the left side
3 in the right side, with one in the top row and two in the bottom row]
Top Right - Chaotic Good
[6 eggs spread randomly while preserving reflective symmetry between eggs and non-eggs]
Middle Left - Lawful Neutral
[5 eggs all on the bottom row, starting on the left side]
Middle Center - True Neutral
[7 eggs all to the left side
4 in the top row
3 in the bottom row]
Middle Right - Chaotic Neutral
[6 eggs staggered in every other space so that each egg is diagonal from the two nearest
no two eggs are directly next to each other side-to-side or up-and-down
3 in the top row, starting in the left-most position
3 in the bottom row; starting position second from the left side]
Bottom Left - Lawful Evil
[8 eggs
6 in the egg carton, centered but offset one place to the left; 3 eggs each on the top and bottom
2 eggs are on top of the 6 that are placed in the carton]
Bottom Center - Neutral Evil
[8 eggs
3 on the bottom edge of the lid
2 in the top center positions in the egg carton
3 centered on the edge and on top of/between the eggs on the lid and the eggs in the proper positions]
Bottom Right - Chaotic Evil
[broken eggs in the center of the carton and spilling/splattering over the rest of the carton and onto the lid
6 or 7 yellow-orange yolks are visible
the spilled egg whites are colored light yellow-greenish
several pieces of eggshells, varying in size from approximately one-half to very small chips are mixed in with the yolks and whites]