August 28, 2020
#2352: Synonym Date explain

[Ponytail and Hairy talking.]
Ponytail: So, how is she?
Hairy: Well…she’s a talented writer. Seems very cool.
Ponytail: …but?
Hairy: She’s really into…synonyms.
Ponytail: I don’t understand.
Hairy: Her hobby is finding the most unsettling possible words for any sentence.
Ponytail: Word games? That doesn’t sound too bad.
Hairy: Well…
[Caption above reads “Earlier…”]
[Megan is wearing a dress and talking to Hairy, who is dripping wet.]
Megan: Ugh, it’s so watery out.
Megan: You must be clammy! Want to guzzle some tea?
[Hairy is now less wet and holding a cup of warm tea.]
Megan: Let me slough off this dress,
Megan: and slither into something more comfortable.