August 14, 2020
#2346: COVID Risk Comfort Zone explain

Ways to say no when someone tells you to do something outside your COVID risk comfort zone:
[A comic with three panels is shown.]
[The first panel is large. There are 2 Cueballs each wearing masks. Inside Cueball appears to be in a doorway that leads into a building. Outside Cueball is showing Inside Cueball a phone.]
Label: Too Indirect
Inside Cueball: You have to come inside.
Outside Cueball: Ok, but… I’ve been trying to follow the science, and they’re really emphasizing the transmission risk in enclosed spaces. I know you’re wearing a mask, and I feel so awkward making a scene over a tiny risk. But I’m trying to keep my overall risk acceptably low, which means having simple rules so I don’t overthink every minor decision. See, if you look at this spreadsheet-
[Second panel, smaller. Only the Cueball outside is shown now.]
Label: Direct
Outside Cueball: I’m so sorry, but I’m avoiding shared indoor spaces unless it’s an emergency.
[Third panel, even smaller. Only the Cueball outside is shown.]
Label: Too Direct
Outside Cueball: I’m not setting foot in your haunted plague box.