July 17, 2020
#2334: Slide Trombone explain

[Megan walking along carrying a trombone.]
Offpanel voice #1: Hey, her old trombone.
Offpanel voice #2: Cool, I haven’t seen that thing since the 90s.
[Four quick shots of Megan moving the trombone’s slide back and forth. It makes sound, but not like an ordinary trombone.]
FX: Slide
FX: Hisss
FX: Slide
FX: Hisss
[Megan does something else with the trombone, and it shoots water at the offpanel observers.]
FX: Pshhhhh
Offpanel voice #1: AUGH!
Offpanel voice #2: So that’s where my Super Soaker went.