July 15, 2020
#2333: COVID Risk Chart explain

[This comic is a graph plotting the safety risk of activities on the vertical axis and the risk of infection from COVID-19 on the horizontal axis. Lowest risks are in the upper left corner, and highest in the lower right. All activities are color coded green, yellow, orange, or red. A two way arrow labeled “non-COVID risk” points up and down to “high” and “low” labels on the left side of the graph. Another two way arrow labeled “COVID risk” points left and right to “high” and “low” labels on the top of the graph.
From left to right and top to bottom:]
<span style=“background:#acd8a8>Staying home & <span style=“background:#acd8a8>Video chats, <span style=“background:#acd8a8>Hanging out with friends in the park, <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Grocery shopping, <span style=“background:#edbba3>Attending in-person classes, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Singing in church
<span style=“background:#acd8a8>Going for walks, <span style=“background:#acd8a8>Hanging out with friends on the beach, <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Grocery shopping while hungry, <span style=“background:#edbba3>Attending online classes while sitting in class at a different school, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Going to a restaurant
<span style=“background:#acd8a8>Riding an electric scooter, <span style=“background:#acd8a8>Renting an electric scooter, <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Grocery shoplifting & <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Riding a single rental scooter with a stranger, <span style=“background:#edbba3>Getting a dental cleaning & <span style=“background:#edbba3>Going on a Tinder date, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Going to a bar & <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Going to a party & <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Hosting a party & <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Going on a cruise
<span style=“background:#acd8a8>Going down a waterslide, <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Going down a waterslide with a stranger, <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Getting in a stranger’s car, <span style=“background:#edbba3>Getting a dental cleaning from a Tinder date, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Opening a kissing booth at a COVID testing site
<span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Playing lawn darts, <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Climbing up a waterslide with a stranger, <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Getting in a stranger’s car uninvited, <span style=“background:#edbba3>Doing skateboard tricks in a hospital, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Doing skateboard tricks in a bar
<span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Doing skateboard tricks, <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Riding the conveyor belt through the TSA x-ray machine, <span style=“background:#f9dfa4>Axe throwing contest, <span style=“background:#edbba3>Racing a scooter through a hospital with a mask on & <span style=“background:#edbba3>Racing a scooter through a hospital without a mask, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Skateboarding into a mosh pit on a cruise ship
<span style=“background:#edbba3>Setting off fireworks in your car, <span style=“background:#edbba3>Running and sliding headfirst into the pins at a bowling alley, <span style=“background:#edbba3>Stealing a stranger’s car, <span style=“background:#edbba3>Racing a scooter through a hospital with a mask on & <span style=“background:#edbba3>Racing a scooter through a hospital without a mask [extends from previous row], <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Skateboarding into a mosh pit on a cruise ship & <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Getting a COVID test from a stranger at a crowded bar
<span style=“background:#f58e8e>Bungee jumping while doing sword tricks, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Going down a waterslide on an electric scooter, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Setting off fireworks in a stranger’s car & <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Axe catching contest, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Racing a scooter through a hospital with a mask over your eyes, <span style=“background:#f58e8e>Winning a test-tube-eating contest at a COVID testing lab